Monday, January 4, 2010

The Workout

In Regards to Thing #1: "The Obvious Thing"

I figure I should go into a little detail about I plan on handling the fitness side of things as I tackle Thing #1.

For several years (I'm guessing around five), I've been a subscriber to the Men's Health Online Personal Trainer.   Basically, you feed it your fitness goals, punch in some basic strength stats, tell it which days you want to do strength and/or cardio training and how long you want to workout...and it spits out a custom workout for you each day.  You then feed it the results of your you actually did...and then it adjusts your upcoming workouts based on that.

It's pretty nifty, especially if you're like me and like some variety in your workouts.  The Online Personal Trainer does a decent job of rotating new exercises in every so often, so it keeps things pretty fresh.

I took a break from it last May, and just started doing my own thing in the gym...which had its pros and its cons.  But I've decided to rely on this program (and least initially) to guide me in my workouts.  In short, here's the plan:

  • Monday: Cardio
  • Tuesday: Legs/Abs
  • Wednesday: Cardio
  • Thursday: Shoulders/Traps/Abs
  • Friday: REST
  • Saturday: Back/Biceps/Abs/Cardio
  • Sunday: Chest/Triceps/Abs/Cardio
So that's the current plan.  I may explore different workout options throughout the year or change things up as needed...but for the time being, that's what I'll be doing.


  1. I find it sort of interesting that they have you do cardio on SEPARATE days from the days you lift weights. If you do a brief cardio warm-up (like 10 minutes) prior to lifting, then do your cardio at the END of your workout, you actually burn more fat than if you do cardio ONLY. That said, I'm impressed that you are going to the gym this much, period. So I should probably just shut up.

  2. Oh, also (guess I just can't shut up)...if you do abs AFTER cardio, you actually get a better burn, too. This is because you've burnt off a lot of the water and sugar in your body by then and your abs will shine thru with more "six-pack-ness." I didn't date a personal trainer for a year for NOTHING (it just seemed like nothing).

  3. Hmm...I may have to do a quick cardio warm-up and cool-down on my lifting days, then. And perhaps switch abs from post-lifting, to post-cardio...
