Thursday, January 28, 2010

Testing, Testing...

In Regards to Thing #2: "The Lingual Thing"

Yesterday, I got my new Rosetta Stone software installed.  Tonight, I tried to boot it up...and experienced major failure with the headset that came with the program.  I could get audio just fine through the headphones, but the attached microphone was not picking up my voice during the audio set-up portion of Rosetta Stone.  The microphone array built into my computer was working, but that didn't do me any good.

But, being the genius that I am, I noted that my XBOX 360 Rock Band microphone also came with a USB jack.  So, I plugged that in, connected my earbuds that I usually use with my iPod Touch...and BAM!  I was ready to to speak.  It worked like a charm.  More on my beginning experiences with Rosetta Stone later...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Feed a Cold

In Regards to Thing #1: "The Obvious Thing"

So, I had to take a day off today...woke up around 5am, with a scratchy throat and completely congested.  Laid low most of the day, with an excursion to pick up some sinus stuff...and then I really started to live by the mantra "feed a cold."  Probably did a lot of damage to my efforts to achieve Thing #1, but I ate today like it was my J-O-B.  And no gym, to boot.

I shall have to perform very well the rest of this week and while home over the weekend.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Ready to Learn

In Regards to Thing #2: "The Lingual Thing"

Finally got my Rosetta Stone learning software in the mail today.  Levels 1, 2 and 3.  Will update everyone once I crack it open and give it a shot...

Monday, January 25, 2010

Special Report: The Mac Snack Wrap

In Regards to Thing #4: "The Edible Thing"

First off, yes...this goes completely and utterly against Thing #1.  We've been over that.  That having been said, I have to say I was completely and utterly intrigued by the McDonald's offering their Big Mac in a "snack wrap" format.  So, today, a couple a colleagues and I ventured across the street to our local McEatery and took it for a test drive.

I have to say...I liked it.  I mean, as much as one can enjoy a burger product from McDonald's.  I only eat there maybe once every couple months (and usually in the aftermath of a wicked night of adult beverage consumption), but could completely see myself getting this again the next time I choose to dine there, if only for two reasons: 1) it's smaller than a Big Mac and has about half the calories and 2) it's handheld compactness makes it easy to eat and not at all messy.

So am I advocating a steady diet of Mac Snack Wraps?  Hell, no.  I'm merely giving folks who are curious the green light that it is indeed edible.  And if you are a regular consumer of may want to explore this one.