Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Rosetta Stone?

In Regards to Thing #2 ("The Lingual Thing")

As I've talked to folks about my desire to learn a new language, several people have recommended that I look into using Rosetta Stone as an educational tool.  I checked into it online...a couple hundred dollars for Level 1 software?  Over $500 for Levels 1-3?  Really?

May have to shop around for this one...but if it's as good as folks seem to think it is, I'd definitely be willing to make the investment.  Just a little unsure on this one.  Thoughts?


  1. A friend of mine decided to learn Portuguese when he started dating a girl from Brazil, and he used Rosetta Stone. While I don't think he would say he's 100% fluent, they're now married and he speaks well enough that he felt comfortable when they went to visit her family a few months ago. He speaks very highly of the system.

  2. You should also check local community centers/YMCA for evening classes, which might be a lot cheaper, and you'll want to be around people regularly to speak with and get help from anyway.

  3. Been wanting to do the same but also feel like Rosetta Stone is a bit expensive. I will research this as well and share whatever I find! The best way is really to take classes (I took portuguese in a group before and it was helpful) but there are alternatives - you should check out Berlitz since they have programs such as Virtual Classrooms etc.
