Saturday, January 16, 2010

Thing #8: "The Playful Thing"

So, for the next Thing, I decided to go back to my roots:

Thing #8 (aka "The Playful Thing"): Rebuild my credentials as a game aficionado.

Back in the day, my friends and family used to turn to me for anything game-related.  Party games, card games, video games, trivia name it, I played it.  Well, for the most part...I did have some gaps in my expertise: strategy games, casino games, many sports (which I think should fairly be included in this list).

But over the past several years, my enjoyment and knowledge in this area has slipped (apart from the occasional marathon XBOX session over the weekend).  So, time to crank things back up.  Time to expand the collection, host game nights, explore the world of games and gaming again...

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