Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thing #7: "The Fiscal Thing"

Well, this is something I've been meaning to do for a long time, but always manage to put off.  Perhaps now I'll hold myself accountable:

Thing #6 (aka "The Fiscal Thing"): Better manage my financial future.

Just to be clear, this isn't about spending less and learning how to save/budget.  I'm actually very good at saving money to the point where I can confidently dine out, spend money on the latest gadget or take off for Vegas every few months without needing to worry too much.  That isn't much of an issue.  What IS an issue is keeping my savings in an interest-free checking account, not taking part in my work's 401K, not closely managing and investing in my accounts at UBS and not contributing to my Roth IRA annually.

And cue the angry emails of


  1. Well, I'm a little ahead of you on the 401(k) and savings accounts. I unfortunately don't contribute the max, but enough to get the full matching. We also have college funds for both kids, which we are doing our best to fund. The thing that has worked best for us has been to have many separate accounts. A checking account for bills only. A checking account for food and everyday stuff. A savings account for the emergency fund. You get the idea.
    The one thing we are doing this year is concentrating on getting other investments going, especially a Roth IRA. So I'll make sure to post back and let you know how we're doing so you have some motivation.


    lemme know what you think?
