Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Post Hiatus Check-In: Wednesday, March 24

Well, it's been a long damn while since I've checked in here, and I need to renew this effort.  So, sincere apologies and all that...but let's get down to brass tacks...

Thing #1: Well, almost back to square one here...largely due to a couple weeks of travel for work in late February, and a nice, relaxing Mexican cruise (with lots of food).  So, I've got some work to do.
Thing #2: I have Level One of Rosetta Stone's Japanese program installed...need to dedicate some focused time to this.
Thing #3: While on my cruise, I had three acupuncture sessions.  A few of the needles stung quite a bit...but I need to elevate things.  Especially since acupuncture was nothing new for me, and I knew I'd be able to handle it.  The last time I had it, though, was in perhaps scheduling regular sessions would be more ideal.
Thing #4: Haven't had any burgers lately that I'd write home about.  Need to expand my search pattern.
Thing #5: I have to step up my pop culture blog, too.  Look soon for that to be updated.
Thing #6: Bought a couple books on the topic...more on this later.
Thing #7: Got my taxes done and got some money back.  Playing phone tag with the company back in Michigan who I have some investments with, trying to get my Roth IRA contribution in.
Thing #8: Have some fun things to report on this front...stay tuned.

Friday, February 5, 2010

End-of-Week Check-In: Friday, February 5

Been a let's check in on my progress...

Thing #1: Took about a week off due to illness and travel, but am back in the swing of things.  Started changing up my cardio to do more interval training.  Think this might work...down to 222.
Thing #2: I tried the first lesson of the first chapter of the first unit of the first level of Japanese via Rosetta Stone, largely to see how it worked.  Going to have to try it again to retain some things.  So far, though, I'm pretty intrigued by it.
Thing #3: No progress on the whole needle thing.  Need to work on that.
Thing #4: Tried a burger at a nice Asian/Fusion restaurant while I was briefly back home...very disappointing.  The photo didn't turn out, though, and it ended up really not being worth it...despite the promise of wasabi mayo.
Thing #5: Trying to do more regular entries on the blog.  Need to step it up.  Wondering if I maybe just focus on my enjoyment of reality television?
Thing #6: Turns out my friend's place where weird stuff was supposedly happening may now be "clean."  Dang it.  Was looking forward to some ghost hunting.
Thing #7: Need to do this.
Thing #8: Getting my Survivor Pool off the ground.  More on this next week.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Ghostly Lead

In Regards to Thing #6: "The Eerie Thing"

Finally have a lead on tracking down something "supernatural" to look into.  Turns out one of my friends and his roommate have found lights mysteriously turned on around their apartment, doors closed, etc.  Coincidentally, a few days before this started happening, one of their downstairs neighbors had prematurely passed away (which they found out about after the strange occurrences had happened).

In addition, I had gone over there a couple days after the neighbor had passed away, unaware that happened, and saw something strange myself...but didn't think twice about it until I received this news.

Anyway, more on this later.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Testing, Testing...

In Regards to Thing #2: "The Lingual Thing"

Yesterday, I got my new Rosetta Stone software installed.  Tonight, I tried to boot it up...and experienced major failure with the headset that came with the program.  I could get audio just fine through the headphones, but the attached microphone was not picking up my voice during the audio set-up portion of Rosetta Stone.  The microphone array built into my computer was working, but that didn't do me any good.

But, being the genius that I am, I noted that my XBOX 360 Rock Band microphone also came with a USB jack.  So, I plugged that in, connected my earbuds that I usually use with my iPod Touch...and BAM!  I was ready to to speak.  It worked like a charm.  More on my beginning experiences with Rosetta Stone later...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Feed a Cold

In Regards to Thing #1: "The Obvious Thing"

So, I had to take a day off today...woke up around 5am, with a scratchy throat and completely congested.  Laid low most of the day, with an excursion to pick up some sinus stuff...and then I really started to live by the mantra "feed a cold."  Probably did a lot of damage to my efforts to achieve Thing #1, but I ate today like it was my J-O-B.  And no gym, to boot.

I shall have to perform very well the rest of this week and while home over the weekend.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Ready to Learn

In Regards to Thing #2: "The Lingual Thing"

Finally got my Rosetta Stone learning software in the mail today.  Levels 1, 2 and 3.  Will update everyone once I crack it open and give it a shot...

Monday, January 25, 2010

Special Report: The Mac Snack Wrap

In Regards to Thing #4: "The Edible Thing"

First off, yes...this goes completely and utterly against Thing #1.  We've been over that.  That having been said, I have to say I was completely and utterly intrigued by the McDonald's offering their Big Mac in a "snack wrap" format.  So, today, a couple a colleagues and I ventured across the street to our local McEatery and took it for a test drive.

I have to say...I liked it.  I mean, as much as one can enjoy a burger product from McDonald's.  I only eat there maybe once every couple months (and usually in the aftermath of a wicked night of adult beverage consumption), but could completely see myself getting this again the next time I choose to dine there, if only for two reasons: 1) it's smaller than a Big Mac and has about half the calories and 2) it's handheld compactness makes it easy to eat and not at all messy.

So am I advocating a steady diet of Mac Snack Wraps?  Hell, no.  I'm merely giving folks who are curious the green light that it is indeed edible.  And if you are a regular consumer of may want to explore this one.