Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Couple Healthy Notes

In Regards to Thing #1 ("The Obvious Thing")

Apologies for not having updated my progress in several days.  Unfortunately, things have been slammed at work, so the only thing I've really made any progress on is my effort to lose weight.  A couple specifics:

  • I joined the fitness center at work (  This is in addition to my 24 Hour Fitness membership.  It's nice to be able to duck out at 6:00pm or so and get a workout, returning to the office if I have additional work to be done.  Plus, it's very clean, so you don't feel like you're going to contract tetanus or something by showering there.
  • A buddy and I signed up for a cruise to Mexico in March.  He's been stepping it up over the past couple months in terms of fitness, and now that leaves me no choice but to do the same.  To that end, have been pretty good about my diet so far this week...let's hope it continues.  Until I continue on my quest to find the "best damn burger out there," that is.  Heh.

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